installation kit for in-wall installation body,manufacturer KLUDI GmbH & Co KG,type KLUDI BALANCEin-wall tub/shower thermostat fittingart. No. 528300575,installation set with functional unitas a finishing kit forconcealed unit body DN 20KLUDI FLEXX.BOXX Art. No. 88011,with ceramic shut-off valveand diverter as a rotary valvefrom bath filler to shower(as a shut-off diverter valve),Plastic rosette in white,with temperature selector,degree markingsand temperature block 38 degrees,operating elementsmade of plastic/brass in white,cover rosette D in mm 170,without extension setArt. No. 7300600-00,KLUDI BALANCE series without shell construction setKLUDI FLEXX.BOXX Art. No. 88011,Noise behavior DIN 4109Noise group II,P-IX 18444/IICCOptimal functiononly in conjunction with KLUDI products,