for wall mounting, consisting of: Tempesta 250 shower head (26 666) 2 spray modes (via diverter) Rain, SmartRain, shower head with white rear side, with ball joint, angle of rotation +/- 10 degrees, Tempsta 110 hand shower (28 419) 3 spray modes: Rain, Jet, Massage, height adjustable by means of sliding element, distance between diverter and upper bracket 920 mm, shower hose Relexaflex 1500 mm (28 151), shower hose Relexaflex 500 mm (22 115), flexible installation: Water connection via 1/2'' thread of the 500 mm shower hose to the tap / wall outlet elbow, max. flow rate (at 3 bar) 8.5 l/min, Water Saving uses less water, perfect water flow, SmartSwitch spray selector using a dial, DreamSpray perfect spray pattern, ShockProof silicone ring protects against damage if the shower is dropped, long-life surface, SpeedClean limescale removal system, suitable for water heaters from 18 kW/h, minimum flow rate 7 l/min