consisting of: 390 mm horizontally pivoting shower arm, exposed thermostat allows you to switch between the Tempsta 250 shower head (Rain jet pattern, with black rear side), with ball joint for a +- 10° angle of rotation, bath filler, separate diverter to the hand shower, Tempsta 110 hand shower (2 jet patterns: Rain, Jet), Slide element, TurboStat compact cartridge with expansion element thermoelement, SafeStop safety stop at 38 °C, SafeStop Plus optional temperature limit stop at 43 °C, SmartSwitch spray diverter using a control dial, DreamSpray, ShockProof silicone ring protects against damage if the shower is dropped, Long-Life Shine surface, SpeedClean limescale reduction system, internal separate water supply, TwistStop to prevent the shower hose from twisting, suitable for water heaters from 18 kW/h