SPIROTRAP MB3 çamur ayırıcı 1" iç dişli 1,98 m3/h, 0,39 l

  • Ürün numarası: UE100WJ
  • GTIN: 8717811021514
  • Üretici firma:
114,39 €
dahil. 19% KDV. , Artı. Nakliye (Paketdienst (DHL))
  • #global.bestandsanzeige#
  • Teslimat süresi: #MINDELIVERYDAYS# - #MAXDELIVERYDAYS# iş günleri (DE - yurt dışında farklı)
  • 5µm'den büyük manyetik ve manyetik olmayan kir parçacıklarının etkili bir şekilde giderilmesi yoluyla pompanın ve diğer pahalı sistem bileşenlerinin korunması
  • Kurulum: yatay + dikey çizgiler
  • Gövde : pirinç
  • maks. çalışma basıncı : 6 bar
  • maks. sıcaklık : 110 °C
Nakliye ağırlığı: 2,30 kg
Ortalama ürün değerlendirmesi
Deneyimlerinizi diğer müşterilerle paylaşın!

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Toplamda girişler: 1
Very good filter!
5 gelen 5
Very good filter!

This is very good filter. It has both mechanical and magnetic filtration. We have been searching and reviewing a lot of different filters, from dozens of companies around the world, and this is one of best filters found. It is from solid brass, it has weight that convinces; it is not some bad plastic material. It has 20 years of product warranty (plastic one has about 5 years, other producers). Since it was just installed, we can hope and wish it will simply last. Very thoughtful design. Very usable. Highly recommend. Hope we will, or we would recommend it after year or two of use, when real, longer term usage, will show on. Top product, all we can say at this moment.

Toplamda girişler: 1
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